Stuart Stofferahn, Ed.D, CAS
Ann Sjulin- President Ann is an OB/GYN physician with Mid-City OB/GYN. She and her husband David, who is an ENT physician with BoysTown ENT, have three daughters – their youngest, Jacki, is on the autism spectrum. Being in the medical community Ann and Dave both thought there would be more answers when their daughter was struggling with school. It was not only difficult to make the diagnosis; it was a rough road maneuvering how to best help Jacki. When Ann found out about NTC she was anxious to become a part of helping other families and their kids find ways to succeed after graduation from high school.
Dan Williams-Vice PresidentDan is a Human Resources Consultant who specializes in Talent and Organizational Development. He has worked for Oriental Trading Company since 2012. He retired from the Nebraska Air National Guard in 2015 serving much of his career in Personnel Services. Dan is passionate about helping others achieve their full potential by leveraging their personal strengths. He also serves on the board for the Omaha Organizational Development Network. As a Nebraska Transition College board member he leverages his experience to assist with organizational design, policy, and development.
Greg Hackbart-TreasurerGreg currently serves as Sr. Director of Sales-Compliance for Health Stream. He leads a team of compliance experts in helping healthcare providers mitigate risk by maintaining regulatory training and managing conflict of interest relationships, while providing powerful data analytics tools. Greg is proud to have found his calling in healthcare, especially in having an impact on the quality of life and healthcare experience for patients and their families.
Prior to Health Stream Greg served 11 years as Vice President of Business Development for National Research Corporation where he helped to oversee sales and strategic thought leadership efforts for the company's experience measurement solutions. Earlier, he spent 15 years with a national network of distributors and sales representatives, developing network solutions for global organizations such as Quest, SBC, AT&T and Verizon. Greg holds a Bachelor of Science degree in business administration from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. |
Olivia Nekl - Secretary I am Olivia Nekl, I work as an occupational therapist for Go Physical therapy at our Kearney Nebraska Children's Rehab location. In addition to working as an occupational therapist I have a younger sister who have autism. With the personal and professional connection I see the need benefits of NTC and what support can bring to families and individuals.
Mike Chittenden - Board MemberMichael Chittenden is a professional in the Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) field with 40 years’ experience. He is currently the Director for the Center for Home & Community Based Services for the New York State Department of Health. Michael has also been the Executive Director for The Arc of Nebraska, Inc., where he successfully advocated on behalf of all people experiencing I/DD and related conditions at the state capitol. Additionally, he has experience in Medicaid Managed Care and has used his subject matter expertise around the country as a private consultant.
Jake Dwinell-Board MemberI am an evening server at Legacy Estates. In addition to serving on the Nebraska Transition College board, I serve on the board of Autism Family Network. As a person with an Autism Spectrum Disorder, I try to be an ambassador for others and try to represent people with autism or other learning disability. I love helping people. Seeing someone smile because of something you did for them is the best feeling for me.
Heather Farwell - Board MemberHeather Farwell is a Physician Assistant in Pawnee City Nebraska. She and her husband Mike have two children, their oldest, Alex, has ASD. Alex was diagnosed at age two and a half and has thrived at this small school in Pawnee City. He will be a junior this year. When Heather started looking at the next step for Alex, she found NTC and knew she wanted to be involved. She has a love for volunteering, ASD advocacy, and is excited to help “bridge the gap” for Alex and others with ASD.
Dr. Natalie Swift - Board MemberDr. Natalie Swift is in private practice in Lincoln and Omaha providing outpatient therapy and consultations services. Dr. Swift has extensive experience in the evaluation and treatment of individuals with developmental disabilities and co-occurring mental health conditions. Dr. Swift’s professional interests include strength-based approaches to treating individuals on the Autism Spectrum and other developmental disabilities, identifying and developing unique gifts, skills, and abilities to integrate into one’s daily, social, and work life to improve overall quality of life. Research interests include minority populations and women with Autism and the impact of trauma on those diagnosed with Autism. She obtained her master’s and doctorate degree in clinical psychology with an emphasis on multiculturalism and treatment of diverse populations from The Chicago School of Professional Psychology.
Heidi Thomas - Board MemberHeidi Thomas is a Special Educator at Arapahoe Public Schools in Arapahoe, Nebraska. Heidi has been a special educator in Nebraska for 16 years, serving in secondary special education and transition for 13 of those years. Heidi has a passion for work-based learning and continues to place students with disabilities into work environments to adequately challenge them in pursuing their interests and talents. Heidi holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Management and a Master of Arts Degree in K-12 Cross-Categorical Special Education. She coached high school speech, taught high school English, and instructed national qualifiers in History research competitions for 6 years. Heidi is interested in communication regarding community-based instruction.
Paige Rose - Board MemberPaige Rose, Program Director of Evaluation and Community Integration with Nebraska Vocational Rehabilitation (VR), has worked with youth and adults with disabilities for the entirety of her career. She has led technical assistance projects, participates in various work groups for the Nebraska Department of Education, and has been instrumental in initiating three Project SEARCH sites. Paige serves on the Nebraska Council on Developmental Disabilities and is the VR liaison with Nebraska Developmental Disabilities (DHHS/DD), coordinating training and communication between the two agencies. Paige monitors sub-minimum wage employment contracts in Nebraska, ensuring service providers are in compliance with the Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division. Paige is passionate about competitive integrated employment and the most inclusive, least restrictive environment for all areas of learning, earning, and living.
Dee Saari - Board MemberDee is a litigation paralegal at the Ausman Law Firm in Omaha, Nebraska. Her son, Ryan, has completed the Residential Program and graduated from NTC in July of 2024. She describes Ryan’s journey through NTC as life-changing for him. Her autism story began in 2001, when Ryan was first diagnosed, and there were few resources available to help parents navigate services for children on the spectrum. Since then, she has volunteered in a variety of settings, both locally and overseas, to build relationships with parents to help support them on their autism journeys. Dee also co-chairs the NTC Social Events Committee and volunteers as an English conversation teacher, working with internationals living in Omaha. In her spare time, Dee enjoys gardening, reading and spending time with Ryan, her husband Rob and their daughter, Megan.
Katie Arbataitis - Board MemberKatie Arbataitis is a speech-language pathologist in private practice in Omaha, Nebraska who provides evaluations and speech therapy to children. Katie has previously worked in the medical and educational setting as well. She and her husband, Mike, have two children, the younger of whom has severe dyslexia. Through her experiences in her private practice and through providing intervention and advocating for her son, Katie has gained much experience helping children move toward independence in the areas of communication, social interactions, reading and spelling, and self-advocacy and is eager to apply that knowledge to her role on the NTC Board.
Sam Comfort, Ex-OfficioSam Comfort is on a mission to help employers and individuals with disabilities find meaningful connections. Currently executive director with Angel Guardians, Inc., Sam has year of experience helping individuals with disabilities obtain and maintain integrated community employment. A Certified Employment Support Professional (CESP), Sam was a member of Leadership Council Bluffs Class 30 and is currently serving in an advisory capacity with NTC.